I know that vsphere replicaion support reprotect and failback in SRM 5.1.
In our environment, I am using vcenter 5 u1 to manage several esxi 5.0 u1 hosts.
I am planning to deploy SRM. Thinking which version of SRM to install. (SRM 5.0 or SRM 5.1)
If I choose to deploy SRM 5.1, I need to upgrade vCenter 5.1 before installation of SRM 5.1. vCenter 5.1 can support ESXi 5.1 and ESXi 5.0 hosts.
I want to know if I need to use vsphere replication feature in SRM 5.1, do I need to upgrade ESXi 5.0 to ESXi 5.1? Keep to use ESXi 5.0?
Any document mention?