As we are looking for a BCDR solution, it turns out it will cost us a bundle, e.g. Unitrends, Datto, Veem etc.
Now that VMware 6 is out, is there any native VMware capabilities that I can leverage to do the following ....
1- to achieve our Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery plan?
2- to do automatic replication locally and thru WAN efficiently,e.g. take the snapshot and replicate the changes and compress them for transport locally or remotely?
3- to do incremental snapshot to a secondary site so we can easily spin up the VMs in case the primary site is down?
4- to do traditional backup in which we can do file level recovery for our data file such as MS Office files, row-level recovery for SQL Server, specific email level recovery for our Exchange Server, with the SLA we determine?
what's the inexpensive alternatives for performing the backup of our VMware Infrastructure - Acronis, Ahsay, etc?
5- to do cloud backup?
We have 2 sites, one with Essential Plus Kit and the other with just Essential Kit.
1- To achieve the above, do I have to upgrade the Essential Kit to Essential Plus Kit?
2- Is SRM included in Essential Plus Kit so I can do automatic/orchestrated fail-over? If not, do I have to buy 2 copies for each site or just 1 copy since we have way less than 75 VMs?
3- How much approximately I have to spend or is it justifiable to just buy Veem or any of those product to handle all the above?