- Are there any concerns with replicating the Production vCSA with vSphere Replication 8.1.x?
- Although, we’ve successfully tested manually changing the vCSA IP, does SRM 8.1.x have the ability to inject a different IP into this replicated vCSA at Recovery site?
Business Continuity Disaster Recovery of Centralized Mgmt Stack, including a Production vCSA with embedded PSC
Vmware SRM service is not starting after upgrading windows OS from 2008 to windows 2012
Vmware SRM service is not starting after upgrading windows OS from 2008 to windows 2012, getting error: dependency service doesn't exists. As protected service is deprecated from windows 2012 which is the dependency service for SRM. Tried removing protected storage service from below path but no luck.
Can someone please help me on this.
Vikas Nhavkar
The "Reconnect site" operation failed for the entity with the following error message.
vCenter version - 6.5
SRM version - 6.5
SRM is successfully installed on both the vCenter but when i goto vCenter>Configuration>vSphere Replication>Target Sites and tries to connect the remote site the connection fails with the following message:
The "Reconnect site" operation failed for the entity with the following error message.
Server is not available.
In SRM logs, i see the following :
2018-12-12T16:31:41.130Z warning vmware-dr[06888] [Originator@6876 sub=LocalHms] Ping failed:
--> (hms.fault.NotAuthenticated) {
--> faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,
--> faultMessage = <unset>,
--> originalMessage = "java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: com.vmware.vim.vmomi.client.common.UnexpectedStatusCodeException: Unexpected status code: 503",
--> serverUuid = "edf5ce02-b654-4423-83ea-545fdd2a6205"
--> msg = "Received SOAP response fault from [<cs p:0000020709167230, TCP:>]: checkCurrentSessionHealth
--> User is not authenticated."
--> }
--> [context]zKq7AVMEAQAAANeBiAAKdm13YXJlLWRyAAA/+wVobXMtdHlwZXMuZGxsAAEkxQV2bW9taS5kbGwAAZ/jBQILfBh2bWFjb3JlLmRsbAACHIwYAgkVIgN/TwJNU1ZDUjEyMC5kbGwAAyZRAgRkgwBLRVJORUwzMi5ETEwABdFwBm50ZGxsLmRsbAA=[/context]
2018-12-12T16:31:41.131Z verbose vmware-dr[05856] [Originator@6876 sub=StubFactory] Event broadcasted
2018-12-12T16:31:41.131Z verbose vmware-dr[06888] [Originator@6876 sub=StubFactory ctxID=1b50b77] Removed last known event. Starting the event timer...
2018-12-12T16:31:41.131Z verbose vmware-dr[06888] [Originator@6876 sub=ServerSingletonCache ctxID=1b50b77] Removed last known event. Starting the event timer...
2018-12-12T16:31:41.131Z warning vmware-dr[06888] [Originator@6876 sub=LocalHms HMSUM ctxID=1b50b77] The persistent HMS connection is down.
2018-12-12T16:31:41.134Z verbose vmware-dr[06916] [Originator@6876 sub=vmomi.soapStub[40]] Resetting stub adapter for server <cs p:0000020709167230, TCP:> : Closed
2018-12-12T16:31:41.582Z warning vmware-dr[06916] [Originator@6876 sub=LocalPbmServer] Ping failed:
--> (vmodl.fault.SystemError) {
--> faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,
--> faultMessage = <unset>,
--> reason = "Invalid fault"
--> msg = "Received SOAP response fault from [<cs p:0000020708d14240, TCP:>]: fetchResourceType
--> java.lang.RuntimeException"
--> }
2018-12-12T16:31:41.583Z verbose vmware-dr[06876] [Originator@6876 sub=StubFactory] Event broadcasted
2018-12-12T16:31:41.583Z verbose vmware-dr[06916] [Originator@6876 sub=StubFactory ctxID=323996bb] Removed last known event. Starting the event timer...
2018-12-12T16:31:41.583Z verbose vmware-dr[06916] [Originator@6876 sub=ServerSingletonCache ctxID=323996bb] Removed last known event. Starting the event timer...
Mapping missing:Folder in SRM
I need a help for resolving error "Mapping missing:Folder " in protection group. PFA screenshot.
Error message "Mapping missing:Folder 'GlK GrXX Datacenter',Resource Pool'Glk TG Production'Network'10.67.x.x Shared backup'Network'10.67.x.x"
Mapping Missing: Folder - Unable to Configure
I was able to configure the VM for Site Recovery. Everything looked normal. I put it in a Datastore that Had plenty of space. I then created a Protection Group.
The issue then arises that the VM is not configured. I go into the Protection Group, and am seeing the Mapping Missing: Folder . I try to Configure the Server, however, the option is Greyed out.
Re-Configure vSphere Replication from VMFS5 to VMFS6
I have a query regarding the "Re-configure" option in vSphere Replication 6.5.1.Environment is as below and vSphere Replication and Array based replication is working fine between Primary and Secondary Sites.
Primary Site:
ESXi 5.5 U3
vCenter Server 6.5
vSphere Replication 6.5.1
SRM Server 6.5.1
Recovery Site:
ESXi 5.5 U3
vCenter Server 6.5
vSphere Replication 6.5.1
SRM Server 6.5.1
As part of the upgradation process, I am upgrading Secondary site Hypervisor to ESXi 6.5 U2 as per the compaitability matrix.
When I am reconfiguring the vSphere Replication datastores from existing VMFS5 to VMFS6, replication re-direction of datastores to VMFS6 is not happening.Error is as below
What i want to know is as below
1. Is it supported that i can re-direct from a VMFS5 to VMFS6 datastore in vSphere Replication? If Yes How ?
2. I searched across many links for limitations of vSphere Replication, but couldn't get any link which states about this ?
3. I can stop the replication and trigger a new replication directly to VMFS6 datastore which is working, but it will have a disadvantage that my existing hbr files on VMFS5 cannot be carried forward?
VM disk clone (Space saving clone) feasibility
I am looking for any option to create vSphere VM Disk clone via API at VMDK level. The purpose is to provide the space saving clone (Child disk chaining) for specific Parent VMDK and connect to other new placeholder VM for some dev testing purpose.
Could anyone please share any views and suggestion ?
Sameer Kumar
SRM 5 without plugin for san based replication
I have a general question about srm
I want to use srm for drp on two sites and i have two vmware clusters one prod, other drp and test. I want to use san replication because of the 15 minute rto of srm replication.
Alas the san (sun zfs) does not have proper plugin to be integrated in srm 5.
The question is : can srm be used to “manage” vm status and “launch” in some way the recovery plan custom scripts?.
In other words, with san based replication, can srm be of any use without proper san plugins?
Thank you
I need to Re-IP both prod & dr SRM servers as well as vsphere replication appliances, is there a formal set of steps to achieve this easily? There does not appear to be a documented process from start to finish... vsphere 6.0 & SRM 6.0
Hi. I think I know the answer but just wanted some confirmation. Can SRM work without ELM (Enhanced Link Mode)? I believe ELM just provides the nice single-pane-of-glass UI in vCenter, but I don't believe it's a requirement at all for SRM and/or vSphere Replication? My setup will be SRM 8.1 running on vCenter 6.0U3 (external PSC) at site 1 and SRM 8.1 running on vCenter 6.7U1 (embedded PSC) at site 2.
srm 8.1 oracle 6.4 ip customization error
Hi! ,Now we have a strange problem. The newly installed Oracle 6.4 will make mistakes when performing IP customization tasks. "It does not support the client operating system."
The details are as follows. I wonder if you have ever met them. :)
SRM vmware-dr Log:
2019-01-07T19:50:52.495+08:00 info vmware-dr[01808] [SRM@6876 sub=PlaceholderVmManager ctxID=72d4cd33 opID=fe16ced9-8074-4734-8eeb-624aaf08117d:2ec5:4d2e:3a10:e402] PlaceholderVm MoId for ProtectedVm 'protected-vm-153550' does not exist and needs to be repaired.
2019-01-07T19:50:52.495+08:00 warning vmware-dr[01808] [SRM@6876 sub=Replication ctxID=72d4cd33 opID=fe16ced9-8074-4734-8eeb-624aaf08117d:2ec5:4d2e:3a10:e402] Creation of placeholder for protectedVm 'protected-vm-153550' failed.
--> (dr.replication.fault.MissingFolderMapping) {
--> faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,
--> faultMessage = <unset>,
--> vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:ef23ed74-60a8-449f-a4ae-0c8d5804cc7c:vm-1429',
--> vmName = "TEST-SRM_Oracle6.4",
--> folder = 'vim.Folder:ef23ed74-60a8-449f-a4ae-0c8d5804cc7c:group-v8',
--> folderName = "vm"
--> msg = ""
--> }
--> [context]zKq7AVMEAAgAAIIDkgAUdm13YXJlLWRyAAAKPAJ2bWFjb3JlLmRsbAAB9LEHZHItdHlwZXMuZGxsAAGHFDYC7blbZHItcmVwbGljYXRpb24uZGxsAAK6q/EC0bW3Au23tQIDAbQCYxW0AlPxswL5urgCbCqrAl2nqwPYeRZkci10b3BvbG9neS5kbGwAA5ksFgNANA4DzwgOA8nRBQMJdg0ENvgFZnVuY3Rpb25hbC5kbGwA[/context]
--> [backtrace begin] product: VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager, version: 8.1.0, build: build-9569154, tag: vmware-dr, cpu: x86_64, os: windows, buildType: release
--> backtrace[03] vmacore.dll[0x00023C0A]
--> backtrace[04] dr-types.dll[0x0007B1F4]
--> backtrace[05] dr-types.dll[0x00361487]
History Log
<msg>Client Operating System Not Supported“”。</msg>
<Step elapsedTime="00:01:09"endTime="2019-01-07T19:50:52Z"objectId="protected-vm-153550'"startTime="2019-01-07T19:50:52Z"status="success">
<Name>Client startup</Name>
<Step elapsedTime="00:00:00"endTime="2019-01-07T19:50:52Z"objectId="protected-vm-153550'"startTime="2019-01-07T19:50:52Z"status="error">
<Name>ip customization</Name>
<msg>Client Operating System Not Supported“”。</msg>
VMware SRM DR IP Customizer error - When applying settings
I am trying to apply IP configuration using dr ip customization tool. Its giving below error.
2019-01-17T05:43:47.375-05:00 verbose vmware-dr[09932] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] Dumping early logs:
------ Early init logs start --------
2019-01-17T05:43:47.078-05:00 info -[09932] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] Glibc malloc guards not supported.
2019-01-17T05:43:47.078-05:00 info -[09932] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] Initialized SystemFactory
------ Early init logs end --------
ERROR: Error on line number '2': The number of columns specified is incorrect. If you have an older CSV file, please upgrade it. Otherwise, specify the command line switch 'extra-dns-columns' if the input CSV contains extra DNS columns.
NAT Support for SRM 8.1
Topic Name : Connect the Protected and Recovery Sites
Publication Name : Site Recovery Manager Installation and Configuration
Product/Version : Site Recovery Manager/5.5
Question :
SRM 8.1 documentation does not include NAT Support. Old version 5.5 does
What is the Number of VMs that be protected per site through VMware Site Recovery Manager 8.1?
What is the Number of VMs that be protected per site through VMware Site Recovery Manager 8.1? I am aware SRM 6 had the limit of 75 VMs per site. What is the new limit for SRM 8? Per site not total. Thanks.
Protecting Oracle VM with SRM 8.1
VMware Site Recovery Manager does not support Oracle-VM for backup and recovery. I have a VMware setup which I am protecting with SRM. I want to add Oracle-VM in the environment and want to protect it along with the rest of my virtual machines. Is there any way to do that? Or is there any third party tool or solution that protects both ESXi VM's and Oracle-VM?
SRM Error - PING Failed
Getting the above error all of a sudden when trying to configure SRM.
Username and password works fine though as can authenticate to the storage manager IP. When logging into SRM I can see the array pairs and all resources. SRAs status is showing as OK (green tick). Place holder datastores are also configured. So the only "error" I can see is the below, and also on the array as shown in the screen shot
SRA command 'discoverDevices' failed. Error Connecting to Dell Storage Manager [IP: X.X.X.X] [Message: HostNotAvailable - Exception Setting up Connection: HostNotAvailable - Error running Ping to Data Collector [URL: https://X.X.X.X:3033/api/CompellentAPIServices]] Verify IP Address, Port, Username, and Password are correct for a running Dell Storage Manager
Any ideas? Is this really an issue?
Test Failover fails with error: Error - Failed to create snapshots of replica devices. Failed to create snapshot of replica device 300. SRA command 'testFailoverStart' failed for device '300'. Device is already in test failover [Device: 300] Run Stop Fail
I am testing a fail over but gets an error :
Error - Failed to create snapshots of replica devices. Failed to create snapshot of replica device 300. SRA command 'testFailoverStart' failed for device '300'. Device is already in test failover [Device: 300] Run Stop Failover Test on key
Can any one help me with this error.
Can't Configure Local Site for SRM plugin on vRO 7.3
Hoping someone can help answer. Have vRO 7.3. Have SRM 6.5.1. Have multiple vCenters setup in vRO. Have SRM Site Pairings between them already setup.
I'm trying to configure the vRO Plugin. Plugin installed just fine. Problem running the 'Configure Local Sites' workflow. Receiving the following:
[2019-02-13 13:53:50.320] [E] Error in (Workflow:Configure Local Sites / Get SRM Urls (item1)#1) URI of the local Platform Services Controller is not valid
[2019-02-13 13:53:50.336] [E] Workflow execution stack:
item: 'Configure Local Sites/item1', state: 'failed', business state: 'null', exception: 'URI of the local Platform Services Controller is not valid (Workflow:Configure Local Sites / Get SRM Urls (item1)#1)'
workflow: 'Configure Local Sites' (5dedb8cb-5f1f-415f-b534-c59e5f211aa2)
| 'attribute': name=SrmUrls type=Array/string value=__NULL__
| 'attribute': name=UrlError type=string value=
| 'attribute': name=errorCode type=string value=
| 'input': name=IgnoreWarnings type=boolean value=true
| 'no outputs'
*** End of execution stack.
Any ideas?
Migrate array based VM to vReplication IP based
Is there any any documentation specifically on moving between array-based replication and vSphere Replication 8.1
Using SRM 8.1
Do I need to add more process to the steps below
- Configure replication for VM using vSphere Replication
- Remove VM from array-based replication protection group (and off replicated LUN/Datastore)
- Add VM to vSphere Replication Protection group - configure recovery, add to recovery plans, etc
SRM Resource Mappings - can't create multiple reverse mappings
Hi all
Just wondered if someone could help clear something up for me please, as I have not been able to find anything to support an issue that has been raised by a colleague.
I am in the process of planning a Planned Migration of some VM's, in order to simulate DR. SRM has been used in the past, but the last time there was an issue with reprotection and subsequent failback.
It was explained to me that the issues were related to the various resource mappings.
The protected site contains a variety of resource pools - named Resource Pool 1 - 5.
The recovery site contains a variety of resource pools too, but they do not match. Lets call the resource pool that is in question "SRM".
What has been configured is a VM1, VM1 and VM3 in Resource Pool 1 are targeting the SRM pool at the recovery site. Failover works fine.
Coming back however, there seems to be a problem which relates to the reverse mappings under Resource Mappings of the site in SRM, and I can't for the life of me understand exactly why or what is needed.
At this precise moment, there are 2 Resource Mappings. Only one is noted as "Yes" to having Reverse Mapping's. If we try and change the "No" entry, it just flips the Yes and No, so both can't contain Yes.
Any help or advice would be great.