We have ESXi 5.1 & vCenter 5.1, installing SRM 5.1.1 on a dedicated server and trying to deploy the replication appliance and I get the attached error.
Below are the steps I took to troubleshoot:
Customer vCenter is on a Windows 2008 R2 server and opted to spin up a completely new Windows 2008 R2 server for SRM with multiple Microsoft SQL DB’s ready for the install.
Connected to SRM server and installed SRM 5.1.1 on the server. Tried to deploy the OVF for the VRMS and ran into issues, says “connected timeout to” which is the vCenter server.
On both servers I made sure to stop all Sophos services and turned off the Windows Firewalls. Servers are listening to port 80, can perform nslookup from both sides for each host successfully so we know DNS is resolving.
Uninstalled the SRM, rebooted the server and loaded SRM again and tried to deploy the OVF. Unsuccessful. Contacted Vmware to open a support ticket and waited a call back.
Vmware had me perform all the steps above and after several hours the VM engineer decided there was a communication issue between the SRM server & vCenter and asked me to install SRM on the vCenter server. Uninstalled SRM from the current server and shut down the VM. Installed SRM on the vCenter server and still running into the same issues deploying the OVF. Deployed OVF for Replication Server, which is not the RMS server, successfully. Vmware asked for this ticket to be postponed until Christmas Eve as our basic support would not cover after hours support and it was nearly 6 PM CST.
The server is trying to deploy: http://hostname:80/com.vmware.vcDr/vSphere_Replication_SRM_OVF10.ovf
When I change the file to vSphere_Replication_Server_OVF10.ovf the system recognizes it as a valid OVF and you can go through the motions. When I deploy this OVF I cannot configure the machine to hook into vCenter or a DB. So I know there isnt anything wrong with the communication since I can deploy a seperate OVF on the same server/vCenter.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.