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SRMFails to recover Datastore


Bonjour à tous,


Nous avons un soucis de test SRM.

Lors du test, nous avons une erreur disant que SRM ne trouve pas le datastore disant que le datastore n'est pas rattaché à l'hôte alors qu'il est bien rattaché à l'hôte ESX.



SRM 6.5.1 - Failed to authenticate with the guest operating system



i have two vcenter with VCSA (6.5) in HA in two site with external PSC. Each site has is own SSO domain with their PSC controllers.

I configured  SRM 6.5.1 on each site and configured vsphere replication 6.5.1 on each site.

I perform a recovery plan based on single VM.

When i perform a Test Recovery Plan i receive a "Failed to authenticate with the guest operating system using the supplied credentials"


Vmware tools are updated.

Attached, SRM log of second site.


Can you help me please?

Thanks in advance


Consideration in using SRM and RecoverPoint


We are using VMware SRM and EMC RecoverPoint SRA to recover virtual machines to DR site. In this process, we have created several consistency groups in the Recoverpoint that each one containing multiple LUNs. Similarly in SRM, we have created a few protection groups that are exactly the same as the CGs in Recoverpoint. I'm not sure if this is the best method for designing CG and Protection Groups or there are better considerations or strategy to design Protection Groups. I think a possible method of separation and design of the CG would be based on Application Tiering or other parameters.

Please share the best practice or any consideration to design CGs, Protection Group, and Recover Plan in DR solution by SRM and RecoverPoint?

Problemas de red con las maquinas virtuales


hola, tengo mis maquinas virtuales y cuentan con dos tarjetas de red, una interna y otra externa, sin embargo no las alcanzo a ver desde ningun segmento externo yoel

Storage VMotion - SRM


Please can you help me with this.


A general system error occurred:

Warning: This virtual machine is protected by VMware Site Recovery Manager. Migrating the VM from a replicated and protected datastore 'XXXXXXXXX' to a non-replicated datastore will cause the VM to become non-replicated and you will not be able to recover the VM using Site Recovery Manager in case of a disaster. Do not proceed unless you understand the potential data loss involved. Note: You can migrate the VM to a datastore that resides in the same consistency group as 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' without any issue.


Checking my vcenter i found some tags

SRM together with stretched storage




Please, could someone explain me SRM behaviour with stretched storage?


I have 2 site test sandbox with 2 vCetners (6.5 U2), SRM (8.1) servers and ESXi (6.5 U2) clusters

Also I have stretched datastore (storage EMC VMAX 250F + witness in use) between those two sites.


In normal situation SRM works perfectly. All my VM-s in stretched datastore are protected with SRM and  I'm able to do planned migrations with those VM-s from one site to another.


But problem starts when I emulate  R1 storage failure (disable network links between witness and R1 storage) .

Storage subsystem works correctly during this test, it puts R1 storage (where my protected VM-s are) into "read only" mode and R2 continues to in work read/write mode. 


But at the same time SRM says that those VM-s protection is not configured anymore and I can't do orchestrated migration with SRM to another site.


It seems even logical, because VM-s are dynamically protected with Storage Policies and if VM parameters are not visible to vCenter anymore, SRM just unprotects it. But how it's possible i this case to use Storage Policies at all?


Please could someone confirm, is it normal SRM behaviour with stretched storage and Storage Policies or not?





Restore Previous Snapshot

SRM plug-in 6.5 in vRO 7.4


I'm trying to configure SRM local sites. But I get the error : "URL of the local Platform Services Controller is not valid".

I have 2vCenter with 2 external PSC's and my 2 Vcenters are configured in vRO.


Do I have to code something extra in the workflow script (Configure Local Sites) : SrmUrls = SRMPluginConfig.getSrmUrls();


I have also tried it with SRMPluginConfig.registerLocalSites('<hostname PSC>',443,'https://<PSC>/lookupservice/sdk',<admin>,<passwd>) but than I get the error :


"There is syntax error in SRM configuration for PSC"


The vRO is embedded in the vRA 7.4


With Library > SRM > Configuration Workflow=Configure Local Sites , I get the error :


[2018-07-05 13:21:40.844] [E] Error in (Workflow:Configure Local Sites / Get SRM Urls (item1)#1) URI of the local Platform Services Controller is not valid

[2018-07-05 13:21:40.888] [E] Workflow execution stack:


item: 'Configure Local Sites/item1', state: 'failed', business state: 'null', exception: 'URI of the local Platform Services Controller is not valid (Workflow:Configure Local Sites / Get SRM Urls (item1)#1)'

workflow: 'Configure Local Sites' (5dedb8cb-5f1f-415f-b534-c59e5f211aa2)

|  'attribute': name=SrmUrls type=Array/string value=__NULL__

|  'attribute': name=UrlError type=string value=

|  'attribute': name=errorCode type=string value=

|  'input': name=IgnoreWarnings type=boolean value=false

|  'no outputs'

*** End of execution stack.

RP with SRM for VMware Cluster


The question is recover point for storage replication whether we can replicate specific datastore luns with SRM combinations using current recoverpoint rather than whole vmware clusters.

Example: 4 lun allocated in vmware cluster and i want to replicate 2 luns only not all 4 luns so that my VM in 2 luns can be recovered on 2 nd site not all vms in the cluster. Would that be possible?


I have seen the below two lines in the SRM Best practices document, that makes me confuse.


Placeholder datastores must meet certain criteria.

For clusters, the placeholder datastores must be visible to all of the hosts in the cluster.

You cannot select replicated datastores as placeholder datastores.

SRM - Creating Array Pair




Currently configuring SRM 8.1 on vCenter 6.5 using Dell Compellent SANs.


Have added the SRA and both sites can see each other fine and show status as green, ticked.


Now when trying to create an array pair, i get to the Local Array Manager page, and bit stuck on which details it requires:


Adding the storage center  details, seems to throw an error as below:

Username and password are both correct, think its down to the IP as there are a few on it, but none of them seem to connect up.


Any ideas?

SRM and guest mounted NFS


Hi All,


I will be replicating via the SRA Netapp Datastores, some are for guest mounted NFS and some are host based NFS.  I'm not a Netapp

Pro but I'm assuming when replicating with Site A to Site B the replicated ESX volumes can't have the same names.    This is
all Linux environments.  How would you go about remapping the new paths for the guest mounted NFS volumes since the
volume name is different now for all the VM's?


Same for example


VM1 is being protected, currently running on ESXI NFS datastore nfs-1, in guest it is using nfs-2 to mount /test/vol


I replicate these datastores via the SRA, on the DR site nfs-1a, the guest mounted volume nfs-2b


Obviously SRM can handle the non-in guest stuff, powering the machine on the replicated volume.  How would i replace
the /etc/fstab for the new mount point /test/vol which has not been replicated to nfs-2b.


A friend suggested vRO, but i'm not greatly familiar with vRO.



upgrading SRM 5.8.1


I'm upgrading our vCenter environment from 5.5 U3b to 6.5 U2.  You can't upgrade SRM from 5.8.1 to 6.5.1, but can upgrade to 6.1.2.  Is it possible to do a multi step upgrade of SRM from 5.8.1 to 6.1.2 to 6.5.1?  So I upgrade the protected site vCenter from 5.5 U3b to 6.5 U2, then upgrade the protected SRM from 5.8.1 to 6.1.2 to 6.5.1, then the recovery vCenter from 5.5 U3b to 6.5 U2, then the recovery SRM from 5.8.1 to 6.1.2 to 6.5.1.  Would that be a feasible upgrade process for SRM or is that not supported.  I can't tell from the documentation I've looked at.

DR POC testings


Hi All,


I have been performing DR POC in my environment with third party tool.

Please let us know the testing scenarios, that I could test to see if the tool is a perfect DR solution.

Thanks in Advance.

VMware SRM unable to fetch error description and fixhint through error code provided by SRA


We are developing Storage Replication Adapter for a VMware storage partner and supporting SRM 6.5


As per Workflows, SRA provides an appropriate response to queryErrorDefinition and queryStrings as per specs :


QueryErrorDefinition response :


<Response xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/srm/sra/v2" xmlns:Test="http://www.vmware.com/srm/sra/test">


         <ErrorDefinition code="1003">

  <Description stringId="ERROR_DESCRIPTION_RPROTECT_FAILED">SRA failed to reprotect one or more device</Description>

             <FixHint stringId="ERROR_FIXHINT_RPROTECT_FAILED">Chack connectivity and try over again</FixHint>





QueryStrings response :


For locale = EN --------------------

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

<Response xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/srm/sra/v2" xmlns:Test="http://www.vmware.com/srm/sra/test">

     <Strings locale="EN">

         <String id="ERROR_DESCRIPTION_RPROTECT_FAILED">SRA failed to reprotect one or more device</String>

         <String id="ERROR_FIXHINT_TEST_RPROTECT_FAILED">Chack connectivity and try over again</String>




For locale = DE ----------------------

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

<Response xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/srm/sra/v2" xmlns:Test="http://www.vmware.com/srm/sra/test">

     <Strings locale="DE">

         <String id="ERROR_DESCRIPTION_RPROTECT_FAILED">SRA failed to reprotect one or more device [German]</String>

         <String id="ERROR_FIXHINT_TEST_RPROTECT_FAILED">Chack connectivity and try over again[German]</String>





When error occurs,SRA appends the "error" element with error code to the workflow response as shown below -


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

<Response xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/srm/sra/v2" xmlns:Test="http://www.vmware.com/srm/sra/test">



             <Device id="00000000966ba6d4:0000000000014722">

                 <Error code="1003"/>






For all the responses VMware SRM logs show XML response validation as successful. So all the responses seems as per the SRM mandated schema.

However when SRM displays this error (1003) in the recovery plan - monitor tab, it does not display the expected error description and fixhint statements, instead displays placeholder IDs like -





Please find the attached screenshot for reference.

Observation - "XYZ-SRA-1.0" in the above placeholder string ID is the SRA UUID provided with QueryInfo response.


Has anyone encountered such issue. Would appreciate if I can have some suggestions.


Thanking in advance,


Unable to set up Protect Groups - Error: "Unable to create Protection Group. No VRM Server registered with VCenter for site xyz"


I am trying to set up Protection Group type of "Individual VM's" and I receive this error.  We are using Vcenter 6.0, SRM 6.1, and VR Appliance 6.1.  The sites are paired, the VR service is running, everything appears fine.  I have repeatedly checked NTP and the times on the vcenter server, the ESX hosts and the VM's and all seem to be right.  I have included the logs for analysis.  My current date 12/8/2015 and the time that I attempted the creation of the Protection Group was at 10:36AM so that one can look at that time in the logs.  Thanks for the assistance.  Note, I am using a trial license of SRM now that will expire on 12/27/2015 until I get my order through my procurement system.

Anyone using SRM with Windows Failover Cluster Services 2016 and RDMs? Is recovery straightforward and this a supported configuration?


Hi folks,


I am looking to implement a Windows Failover Cluster solution on VMWare 6.5.




2 x VMs running Windows Server 2016

Failover Cluster Services which cluster a File Services Role

Cluster across box (so physical RDMs (Raw Device Mappings) for the shared storage)

Site Recovery Manager (SRM for recovery at remote site in event of disaster)


Does anyone use this configuration and if so found the recovery straightforward?





Check configuration for 2 array pairs on the same SRA



I have a problem with IBM SRA Configuration Utility. Generally You can use it to check configuration. But I have 2 array pairs on the same SRA. I this case SRA Utility checks only one of it. How can I switch into second array pair ?



SRM 8.1 Array issue


Hi All


SRM 8.1 installed on our new sites and pairing is completed successfully. However when we try to add the Array its show error " SRM command discovery failed.


We are using Hitachi Raid manager SRA . Storage team able to run the pair display command from the Horcom CLI with given user name and password but the same fail in Web client setup.


Attached the screenshot for reference . If any once come across the issue please help us to setup .


Unable to update the IP address on the Recovery group




We have installed SRM 8.1 on both sites. While configuring the IP address on the recovery group below error poped up and not accepting the values. I have tired to relaunch the URL and tired both in protected site and Recovery site.



Did any one faced this issue .



I am designing an SRM environment with vSAN. The client needs to power off and power on the VMs in two different sequence( priority). I would like to know if that is possible with SRM?


I am designing an SRM environment with vSAN. The client needs to power off and power on the VMs in two different sequence( priority). I would like to know if that is possible with SRM?

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