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SRM with RPA Storage Replication - question about datastores

Got a question about SRM with RPA Storage Replication regarding datastores on both sites. We got Datastores Axxx at PDC and Bxxx at DRC. LUNs Axxx are replicated to their respective counterparts at DRC, Bxxx e.g. A001 is replicated by RPA to LUN B001. Both were visible/attached and mapped at their respective sites but when I used SRM with either Test or Run the datastores at DRC got unmapped and remapped with names of PDC datastores (Axxx) and after using either Cleanup or Reprotect those datastore are Unmapped and not mapped back with correct names (Bxxx).


Is there a possibility to get those settings into SRM? I'd like to have those datastores mapped at all times. I already changed the setting responsible for "fixing" names of datastore, they are not mapped as snap.... anymore.


SRM v 8.1.2 on Windows Server 2016.

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Errors with SRM Deployment

Hey Guys,


I am trying to get SRM registered to the external PSC and am getting an Error 61 right at the end.

Has anyone seen this before?


SRM version 8.1.2 and VC and PSC appliances are running VCSA 6.5 Update 2c with an external PSC.


Cheers, Onil

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Unable to register SRM Replication Server

Logged in as vSphere SSO administrator. Received the following message:

The "Register a virtual machine as vSphere Replication server." operation failed for the entity with the following error message.

Access to perform the operation was denied.

Any ideas?

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SRM 8.2 Appliance - how to execute scripts a windows server

I'm planning to upgrade from 6.5 (windows) to 8.2 (appliance), but I can't find any guidelines on how to migrate existing recovery plans, with custom commands steps, executing bat/powershell files located on the SRM server?


Alternative, is there a way to call a script (bat or PS1) within a Windows server from a custom command step?


I was hoping it was possible to configure an external script server (Windows or Linux based), to store and execute scripts on.


\\ A. Mikkelsen

SRM 8.X Sizing

Where can we get sizing and best practices for SRM 8.x, both SRM server and supporting database?


Now that the SRM 8.2 appliance is available, what are the constraints around sizing? Does it support up to the limits of SRM?


Looking to size for 3,000+ VMs utilizing multiple SRM server instances.


Current VMware "Performance and Best Practices" is based on v5.x.

SRM unable to configure VM protection



In one of my protection group, there is a VM in not configured state. I tried to configure it but it pops out an error message saying the connection to the remote server is down cause operation timed out 300 second.


Any idea how to resolve this? I've attached the screenshot of error message.


Thank you

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Different ESXi Host Versions on the Protected and Recovery Sites



I have found the "Heterogeneous Configurations on the Protected and Recovery Sites" information on docs.vmware.com, but it doesn't cover having different ESXi host versions.


Can anyone tell me if it is OK to have a newer ESXi host version on the protected site, where the host hardware is not identical between both sites? The protected site host hardware will support ESXi 6.7 U2 but the recovery site host hardware will only support ESXi 6.5 U2.


I am hoping this is OK, as long as the VM virtual hardware version for replicated VM's on the protected site is set to a level that is compatible with the recovery site?


Any advice?




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I have a question about the integration between SDRS and SRM.

I have an infrastructure based on hpe bl460c gen10 and 3par.

The 3par's are in periodic async replication with a 15-minute replication interval.

So I'm using array-based replication.

On the servers ESXI 6.5 u2 e and SRM 8.2 was installed (the virtual appliance was installed)

My customer is currently using the SRDS in fully automated mode.

Reading on the internet I saw that now the SDRS is supported with SRM.

What is the best solution?

Should I leave the SDRS in fully automated or should I put it in manual mode?

From what I understood SDRS through tags can interact correctly with SRM.

So through tags, even if SDRS is in full automated mode, the vm is not moved violates the tags.

For example if it has a source datastore that is replicated and the target no the vm is not moved.

So automatic SDRS does not move these vm but if I want I can force the move.

Is my reasoning correct?



Thank you




Failed to create snapshots of replica devices when testing with link to DR site down

Our non-SRM DR solution is simple. If the main office goes away, present the latest data from Recover Point to ESX hosts at the DR site, bring everything up and plug into our WAN to present everything to remote offices and clients working from home.  Our DR test is also simple. Cut the network connection between the main office and the DR site to simulate the office going down. Present a snapshot copy of the data on Recover Point to ESX hosts at the DR site. Bring everything up and DON'T connect it to the WAN. No crazy re-IPing, no changes to networks at DR.  Very simple.


Along comes SRM.  Our recovery plan in SRM is just as simple. Cut the network connection, fail stuff over.


We setup a recovery plan with a couple of test VMs so we could kick the tires on this SRM thing.  We hit the "Test Plan" button and it does everything flawlessly. The cleanup process is great.  Everything works as it should until .......... we try it with the network connection cut to the DR site. Then we get "Failed to create snapshots of replica devices" when trying to do a snapshot on the Recover Point.


My first call to Vmware had me in a conference call with Vmware and EMC. It was discovered that there was a bug in the Recover Point software that could cause this.  We needed to upgrade to the latest release.  We did that and no dice.  Still the same error.


The next tech I spoke to at Vmware tells me that this is the way it's supposed to work.  To do a test, you have to select "Run Recovery" then do a "Planned Migration"


If this is the way you have to do a test, why even have a test button?


For a planned migration it tells you right on the screen that "the process will permanently alter virtual machines and infrastructure of both the protected and recovery datacenters". I don't want to alter ANYTHING for a test. Vmware says that after the planned migration and testing to run a re-protect. This will reverse the replication and copy the data from DR back to the main office. How is this ever a good thing for a test?  When we test, we have application owners beat their systems to death with bogus transactions and run test scripts.  We DON'T want that stuff replicated back to our production site EVER.


Vmware went down the line of "You can use VRF at the DR site to create a bubble to recover everything into".  Well ok, how do I add the physical machines we have to recover into the bubble? "Well, the network team can make changes on the switch ports".  What about VPN? "They would have to make changes there too.  And also, you would have to create jump box VMs for people to access the applications in the bubble".  But in a real DR situation, you wouldn't do any of that. For a real DR, we just let it rip.  For a test, we create a bubble and make all kinds of network changes.


So, with my manual process, our test is exactly the same as our real DR except for one step.  With SRM, our test looks NOTHING like a real DR.  How is that a good thing?


Here's what I think is happening with the error message. SRM is connecting to the protected site Recover Point appliance to do the snapshot. When the link is down, it can't get there. If they just pointed to the recovery site to do the snapshot, it would work.







So here are my questions:



Am I the only one that tests the DR plan by just cutting the link to the main data center and bring up VMs at the DR site?


I see a lot of people posting here that they get the same error.  Do these people have the link to their DR site up or down?

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PowerCLI command to disover Replicated LUs using " Storage.DiscoverDevices() "



I am creating Automation scripts for our SRA. I am trying to do with Power CLI commands, using trying to manage SRM. Installed vCenter Power CLI 11.2.


using powerCLI, i am able to connect SRM servers, create protection Groups and Recovery Plan. but discoverdevices() is failing. as per syntax arguments are not required. but the command failed expecting arguments.


below are process steps followed.


Appreciate your help to resolve




PS C:\Users\Administrator> Connect-VIServer -server xxxx1202.sss.ccc.com -username Administrator@vsphere.local -password xxxxxxxx12#


Name Port User

---- ---- ----

xxxx1202.sss.ccc.com 443 VSPHERE.LOCAL\Administrator



PS C:\Users\Administrator> $srmConn=Connect-SrmServer -user Administrator@vsphere.local -password xxxxxxxx12# -RemoteUser Administrator@vsphere.local -RemotePassword xxxxxxxx12# -IgnoreCertificateErrors


PS C:\Users\Administrator> $srmapi=$srmConn.ExtensionData


PS C:\Users\Administrator> $srmapi.Storage.DiscoverDevices()


Exception calling "DiscoverDevices" with "0" argument(s): "The request refers to an unexpected or unknown type."

At line:1 char:1

+ $srmapi.Storage.DiscoverDevices()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException




Network or port group needed for recovered virtual machine could not be found

Has anyone seen this, I tested this when we upgraded to 5.5 to 6.5, but I can't seem to get the test to work. I have a distributed switch and all the networks point to one port group for the test.



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when its finished the recovery vms do have the network selected but they aren't connected. I could swear I've seen this before but I can't recall and can't seem to find a reference

SRM 8.2 and vSphere Replication 8.1 home lab

Protection group VMs move to different cluster Hosts

There are some VMs reside to the replication datastore will be vMotion from ClusterA to the ESXi hosts on ClusterB in the vCenter. There are other VMs on the replication datastore will remain on ClusterA. The replication is done on the storage side.


Does the SRM able to support protection group for the VMs in different cluster but reside on same replication datastore?


If yes, what are the configuration changes needed in the SRM?

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Is this Permission Setup Even Possible?

Greetings all.  Looking for some thoughts & guidance on this one-- thanks in advance.


I have a group of folks that I have assigned a custom role I call "Virtual Machine User" with various privileges that essentially amount to Power & Console permissions to VMs at a VMs & Templates Folder view only, in a specific folder.  That group manages the application on the VMs in that folder but they don't manage the VMs themselves (memory/cpu/disk).


I have 2 vCenters in a single SSO domain.  Two clusters-- and active and a DR.  Active cluster is in VC1 and DR cluster is in VC2.  vSphere Replication at both with a Site Pair established.  SRM appliances (8.2) setup in both, with Site Pair established.  Running vSphere 6.7U2.  I have the App VMs in the folder mentioned above already setup in vSR replicating and an SRM Protection Group for them established.


My goal is to grant the App Admins the ability to create & manage the recovery plan and test and perform recovery actions of the VMs mentioned above.


I've gone through the SRM Admin guide and setting up proper permissions here is escaping me.  I don't want to give the app admins full visibility into the vCenters or SRM.  I'd just like them to be able to create/edit/perform their own recovery/plans of the vSR replicated VMs in the protection group I setup.


Any help here?



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2 SRM Instances registered with 1 VCenter Server

Author :

URL : http:////docs.vmware.com/en/Site-Recovery-Manager/8.1/com.vmware.srm.install_config.doc/GUID-C1E9E7D0-B88F-4D2E-AA15-31897C01AB82.html

Topic Name : Overview of VMware Site Recovery Manager

Publication Name : Site Recovery Manager Installation and Configuration

Product/Version : Site Recovery Manager/8.1

Question :

Is it possible to have 2 SRM Instances registered with 1 VCenter Server?  If so, what is the process?  I'd like to install SRM on a separate system and point it to a Vcenter that already has a SRM instance registered.

General questions - VCSA 6.7 with SRM 8.1

Hi friends,


I did an SRM training, but as I've never used it in practice the knowledge ends up being outdated.


The training was done with a Windows vCenter and with vReplication and did not address the pluguin part of the storage.


I want to use SRM with VCSA 6.7 and I will have to use pluguin for Dell EMC storage.




- Is there SRM 8.1 that is supported for VCSA 6.7 appliance as well? Or will I have to use a Windows VM?


- If you do not have the SRM appliance, can I use VCSA 6.7 and SRM installed on a windows?


- How do I enable SRM in VCSA 6.7?


- Is the SRM pluguin for storage installed on the same SRM server? Or is it on another server? Or is it in vsphere esxi?


Thank you.

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SRA Adapter (SRA-tar.gz file) for Unity-VSA

Failback with SPPG



I did the SRM training, but it does not show the configuration and failback steps.


I researched and found some blog and managed to do the setup.


However, I'm stuck in the step-by-step to make a correct failback in a (primary) drop-off scenario.


I simulated the (Vphere, Vcsa, Srm and Storage) shutdown of the primary site and run the recovery plan on the DR site successfully.


I noted: LUNS appear with a SNAP nomenclature, with says in training. But when I do the failback, it will be strange.


Now I want to connect the servers (Vphere, Vcsa, Srm and Storage) of the primary site again, to do the reprotection.


In this scenario I think it would be a basic procedure, the steps below:


1 - Remove (Rescan) Vsphere LUNs from the primary site;

2 - Remove VMs from Vsphere inventory;

3 - Failback of storage LUNs;


In SRM I would have to reconfigure the direction of (Save> Master).


But the plan is with DR running, can I use it by the protection group to enable reprotection?


Or is it better to create a new protection plan?


Thank you.

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SRM vs. Live Sync(Commvault)

Can some experts here explain to me what are pros and cons to use these two products? Can Live Sync replace SRM?



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